Our Srisangdao Rice Products
Package Set
Objective and Principles of the Direct Seeding Method
The basic principle of the Srisangdao Direct Seeding (Na Yot) Village Project is to reduce the amount of seeds used for planting, and increase yield per rai, from the former direct seeding method that required 35 kgs of seeds per rai, compared to a mere 1 kg/rai of seeds for the direct seeding method, with up to 40 cm distancing between rice plants. This allows sufficient space for each plant to grow and thrive without the need to fight for food, water, air and sunlight. As a result, the rice plants are strong and resilient, able to withstand disease and pests. Rice farmers are able to double their harvest to a yield of 600 kg/rai.
The Best Jasmine Rice
The best qulity premium Thai jasmine rice
Thai Jasmine Rice
Product Package
Tissue Box
Full Package
เราได้เล็งเห็นว่า วัสดุเหลือใช้จากการผลิตก็คือแกลบ หรือข้าวเปลือก สามาถนำมาใช้เป็นวัตถุดิบตั้งต้นในการผลิต กล่องใส่ข้าวสารได้ ซึ่งสามารถย่อยสลายตามธรรมชาติได้
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